Sep 12, 2016 | News, Packaging
Craters & Freighters provided a custom crate for John Lennon’s Baldwin “Acrosonic” piano that was part of a recent auction in New York. The piano was accompanied by letters of authenticity signed by Yoko Ono.
May 12, 2016 | Packaging, Shipping
Craters & Freighters of NY-NJ recently packed, crated and shipped delicate plaster casts of flowers for Bollinger Atelier based in Tempe, AZ. The plaster casts will be used in part of the process of making a bronze sculpture of the flowers. Plasters such of these...
Jan 12, 2016 | About, Packaging
An unfortunate truth of the packaging business is that it creates tons of waste. Dedicated to be part of the solution, Craters & Freighters has been implementing Green practices for years. One of our favorites is the cardboard shredder. It is a specialized piece...
Jan 12, 2016 | Crating, Packaging
The Romans did it with manpower. We do it with forklifts and foam. Either way, moving marble is a challenge. It is inherently fragile and is highly susceptible to cracking. As with other stone materials, it can withstand tremendous compressive forces, but can break...